There is a desk space available in my new studio! Unfortunately we had to leave our old place near London Fields because it was being turned into... you've guessed it: flats. But we found a new place in a converted warehouse near Hackney Downs and we all moved into two weeks ago. You'll be sharing with me and seven other illustrators...
I've been very much enjoying working for TailSpin, an organisation that puts on (experimental) storytelling events and festivals throughout London. This This Thursday's Night of the Storyteller is the last one of the season and with the musical intermezzos from my friends Miss Maud's Folly it's going to be a special evening...
This Sunday 3 May my better half Casper is putting on another night of New Orleans jazz at one East London's most friendly pubs the Eleanor Arms. So I whipped up a little banner for his event. As part of the Dixie Nomands you will find Casper playing his double bass, as well as the tuba, Bodo Maier on trumpet, Jules Cowie on guitar and Cosimo Keita Cadore on drums...
Before leaving for Bologna I read up on a couple of blog posts by other illustrators for tips (I found quite a few helpful tips and links on Laura Wood’s blog). They really helped me prepare, so I thought it'd share mine here as well...
It was so much fun traveling with another illustrator! When Sarah and I weren’t at the fair we walked through the streets of Bologna, stopping frequently to sketch. Or to go into a second hand shop. Or eat a gelato...
Last week my friend and fellow illustrator Sarah Edmonds and I traveled to Bologna, Italy to visit the Bologna Children’s Book Fair. It’s the place where once a year all the publishers of children’s books gather to sell and buy rights. But basically everybody involved in children’s books (and apps) is there...