

live music

My pub carpets at Tate Liverpool!

I am beyond excited to announce that I will be taking my pub carpets to TATE (!) Liverpool for an installation on the evening of 12 April. To celebrate their current Op Art exhibition I’ll be creating visuals, using my collection of pub carpet pics, to accompany a (binaural) soundscape by Phil Channell (whose brilliant work you might have heard on the BBC podcast Death in Ice Valley).
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DJ set at Harringay Arms

With the imminent arrival of a January Blue Moon, it has been celestially decreed that Annexe The Moon will be releasing their forthcoming single ‘Full Stop’ in all good online stores on January 31st 2018. To coincide with this occasion, we will be pleased to see you at the wonderful and recently revamped Harringay Arms in Crouch End.
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DJ Set at Tate Liverpool

This Saturday 18 March I will be traveling up to Liverpool with my good friends of Annexe The Moon for a special late opening of the Tate Liverpool Café. There will be live music, cocktails and general good times, and I’ll be providing music before, in between and after the bands.
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Annexe The Moon album artwork

A while back I was asked to create some artwork for the "melodic Psych-Scousepop" band Annexe The Moon. And now it's out on Great Sheiks Music: their first single 'Ever Meaning Less'. It was great to hear them being played on BBC Radio 6 on release day! Have a listen and/or buy it on Bandcamp or iTunes.
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Coming up: Night of the Storyteller

I've been very much enjoying working for TailSpin, an organisation that puts on (experimental) storytelling events and festivals throughout London. This This Thursday's Night of the Storyteller is the last one of the season and with the musical intermezzos from my friends Miss Maud's Folly it's going to be a special evening...
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Hot Jazz

This Sunday 3 May my better half Casper is putting on another night of New Orleans jazz at one East London's most friendly pubs the Eleanor Arms. So I whipped up a little banner for his event. As part of the Dixie Nomands you will find Casper playing his double bass, as well as the tuba, Bodo Maier on trumpet, Jules Cowie on guitar and Cosimo Keita Cadore on drums...
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The inspiring Adventures of Prince Achmed

I'm currently working on some designs for a nightclub in Cardiff. The Kuku Club is a stylish, intimate venue with a Middle Eastern theme. The design is going to printed in one colour (copper on grey paper) - I think it's going to be beautiful. Thinking Arabian theme plus monochrome printing the shadow puppet animation The Adventures of Prince Achmed by Lotte Reiniger immediately popped into my head...
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How to avoid the hellish experience called Christmas shopping

This year my boyfriend and I, instead of putting ourselves through the hellish experience called Christmas shopping, thought we'd give our families home made gifts. We decided to make it a collaborative effort. So my better half asked a befriended jazz musician to record a few jazz tunes in our living room, while I drew them, and a few items from our interior, for the cd cover...
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Miss Maud’s Folly album released

Yay, it's officially out today: the first full length album by the wonderful Miss Maud's Folly! With artwork by yours truly. Available physically from the band's website and digitally via iTunes...
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Miss Maud’s Folly album launch

I'm very excited about the upcoming release of the new album by Cardiff-based jazz-gypsie-folk band Miss Maud's Folly. It's being pressed and printed as we speak, so in the meantime here's a little sneak peek of the artwork I did for it...
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