
ZELF again

Today kids museum Villa Zebra sent me some really nice pictures of their semi-permanent exhibition ZELF!  The exhibition consists of six interactive art installations that are tucked away in a big box. By opening one or more doors these installations are revealed and 3-6 year olds can get their hands dirty (metaphorically speaking). Together with Renée Reijnders and Geeske de Graaff I created a hospital where kids can construct new human beings with the fabric body parts. The only time I’ve seen the exhibition was when it was heaving with kids. Which is how it should be of course. But it is nice to see it in a serene setting – it will probably never be as peaceful again as in this photo shoot…

∧ The installation next to us is by famous children’s book illustrator Thé Tjong-Khing. I’m absolutely thrilled my work is exhibited next to his; he is one of my heroes!!



Photos by Hester Blankenstijn and Mike Bink.

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